[ 핫뉴스,연예뉴스 ]

'Penthouse 2'ratings + topicality + views + VOD 1st place'Sweep sweep' #Korea Dr

똥이네하우스 2021. 3. 18. 10:46

'펜트하우스2' 시청률+화제성+조회수+VOD 1위 '싹쓸이' #Korea Drama

'Penthouse 2'ratings + topicality + views + VOD 1st place'Sweep sweep'



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#SBS금토드라마 #시청률순위 #한국드라마 #Korea Drama #펜트하우스2 #Penthouse 2 #드라마 #drama

#한국인기드라마  #Korean popular drama #Rating ranking #조회수 #views



SBS 금토드라마 ‘펜트하우스2’가 순간 최고 시청률, 수도권 시청률, 2049 시청률과 더불어 화제성, 조회수, VOD차트에서도 주간 전체 드라마 1위에 등극하면서 무섭게 질주하는 ‘펜트 파워’를 증명하고 있다.


SBS Friday and Saturday drama'Penthouse 2'is proving the'pent power' that runs terribly while rising to the top of the weekly overall drama on the topicality, views, and VOD charts along with the instantaneous highest ratings, metropolitan audience ratings, and 2049 ratings.


SBS 금토드라마 ‘펜트하우스2’는 중독적인 마라맛 스토리와 레벨이 다른 초스피드 전개, 배우들의 특급 호연이 어우러지면서 한 번 보면 절대 헤어나올 수 없게 만드는 극강의 흡인력으로 대한민국을 휘감고 있는 상황.


SBS Friday and Saturday drama'Penthouse 2'is a situation where the addictive mara taste story, the super-speed development of different levels, and the excellent performance of the actors are harmonized, and the situation is enveloping Korea with the extreme attraction that makes it impossible to escape at a glance.


특히 지난주 8회분은 최고 시청률 26.8%, 수도권 26.1%(2부), 2049 11.7%(2부)를 기록, 지상파, 종편, 케이블 포함 한 주간 방송된 모든 프로그램들을 압도하는 시청률 1위에 등극하며 위엄을 뽐냈다.


In particular, the 8th episode last week recorded the highest viewership rating of 26.8%, the metropolitan area 26.1% (part 2), and 2049 11.7% (part 2). Boasted.


뿐만 아니라 주요 방송사 클립 VOD(주문형비디오)를 네이버, 유튜브 등 온라인 플랫폼에 유통하는 스마트미디어렙(SMR) 분석 결과, 16일 기준 ‘펜트하우스2’ 누적 재생 수가 103,636,830으로 1억뷰를 돌파, 지난 3월 2주 차(2021. 3. 8 ~ 2021. 3.14)에서는 1,286만뷰로 2위 tvN 주말드라마 ‘빈센조’ 472만뷰 와는 약 3배의 격차를 벌린 폭발적인 성적을 나타냈다. 2021년 첫 번째로 클립 VOD 조회수 2억 뷰를 돌파한 ‘펜트하우스’ 시즌1에 이어 ‘펜트하우스2’가 전무후무한 기록을 써 내려가고 있는 것.


In addition, as a result of the analysis of Smart Media Rep (SMR) that distributes VOD (Video on Demand) clips from major broadcasters to online platforms such as Naver and YouTube, the cumulative number of playbacks of'Penthouse 2'as of the 16th exceeded 100 million views with 103,636,830, last March. In the second week (from March 8, 2021 to March 14, 2021), it showed an explosive performance that opened a gap of about 3 times from the 2nd place tvN weekend drama'Vinsenzo' 4.72 million views with 12.86 million views. Following'Penthouse' Season 1, which exceeded 200 million views on clip VOD for the first time in 2021,'Penthouse 2'is writing an unprecedented record.


이에 더해 ‘펜트하우스2’는 TV화제성 분석 기관 굿데이터코퍼레이션이 발표한 TV 드라마 화제성 부문에서 첫 방송 이후 4주 연속 1위를 차지한 데 이어, 3월 2주 차 드라마 출연자 화제성 부문에는 1위 이지아를 시작으로 김소연, 엄기준, 유진, 김현수, 윤종훈, 최예빈, 김영대까지 출연진 8인이 TOP10에 이름을 올렸다. 또한 온라인동영상서비스(OTT) 웨이브의 주간 VOD차트와 CJ ENM이 발표한 콘텐츠 영향력 지수(CPI. CONTENT POWER INDEX)에서도 철옹성 1위 행진을 이어가면서 무소불위 인기를 증명하고 있는 터. 이와 관련 모든 드라마 시청률을 압도한, 시청자들의 심장을 뛰게 한 최고 시청률 장면 BEST 3를 정리했다.


In addition,'Penthouse 2'ranked first in the topical category of TV dramas released by Good Data Corporation, a TV topic analysis agency, for 4 weeks in a row. Starting with Lee Ji-ah above, 8 cast members including Kim So-yeon, Um Ki-jun, Yujin, Kim Hyun-soo, Yoon Jong-hoon, Choi Ye-bin, and Kim Young-dae were listed in the TOP 10. In addition, it is proving its unprecedented popularity by continuing to rank No. 1 in the online video service (OTT) wave's weekly VOD chart and CJ ENM's CPI. In this regard, we have summarized the best 3 scenes with the highest ratings that made the hearts of viewers beat, which overwhelmed the ratings of all dramas.


◆ 시청률 BEST 1. 6회 나애교(이지아) 첫 등장, 27.9%


◆ Audience Rate BEST 1. The first appearance of Na Aegyo (Jia Ji-ah) in the 6th episode, 27.9%


‘펜트하우스2’ 모든 회차 중에서 순간 최고 시청률을 기록한 장면은 6회 27.9%까지 치솟은 나애교(이지아)의 첫 등장씬이었다. 심수련(이지아)과 똑같은 얼굴의 여자가 펜트하우스에 나타나 주단태(엄기준)에게 키스를 하는 돌발 행동으로 안방극장을 충격으로 몰아넣었던 장면. 더욱이 나애교는 심수련과 180도 다른 외양과 분위기, 태도로 “잘 지냈어? 오랜만이다 주단태?”라고 말을 건네 의문의 인물에 대한 궁금증을 폭발시켰다.


Among all episodes of'Penthouse 2', the scene that recorded the highest viewership rating at the moment was the first scene of Na Aegyo (Lee Ji-ah), which soared to 27.9% in 6 episodes. A scene where a woman with the same face as Shim Soo-ryun (Jia Ji-ah) appeared in the penthouse and shocked the home theater with an unexpected act of kissing Jo Dan-tae (Um Ki-jun). Moreover, Na Aegyo said, “How are you? It's been a long time, Dan-tae Ju?” He exploded his curiosity about the mysterious person.


◆ 시청률 BEST 2. 8회 나애교 목 조른 주단태, 26.8%

◆ Best ratings 2. 8th episode Na Aegyo's neck, Dantae Joo, 26.8%


8회에서 주단태가 나애교에게 총구를 겨누고 목을 조르는 장면은 26.8%로 순간 최고 시청률 장면 2위에 올랐다. 주단태가 나애교와 사격을 즐기던 도중, 마지막 한 발을 남기고 나애교의 머리에 총구를 겨누면서 “2년 전에 너 나 배신하려고 했지?”라고 위협을 가한 상황. 두 사람의 몸싸움이 벌어진 가운데 조명등을 맞은 주단태가 머리에서 피를 흘린 채 어릴 적 트라우마로 발작을 일으키면서 나애교의 목을 졸랐다. 그때, 로건리(박은석)가 나타나 나애교를 구하는 ‘극적 탈출 엔딩’이 펼쳐지면서 시청자들의 심장을 쥐락펴락했다.


In episode 8, the scene where Ju Dan-tae aimed a gun at Na Ae-kyo and choked him was 26.8%, and it was ranked second in the highest ratings scene at the moment. While Joo Dan-tae was enjoying shooting with Na-ae-kyo, leaving one last shot, he aimed a gun at Na-ae-kyo's head and threatened, "You tried to betray me two years ago?" In the midst of a struggle between the two, Ju Dan-tae, struck by a light, bleeds from her head and strangled Na Aegyo as she had a seizure from trauma as a child. At that time, Logan Lee (Park Eun-seok) appeared and a “dramatic escape ending” was unfolded to save Na Aegyo and the hearts of the viewers squeezed.


◆ 시청률 BEST 3. 5회 천서진(김소연)에게 증거 내미는 주석경(한지현), 26.5%

◆ Best ratings 3. 5th episode Cheon Seo-jin (Kim So-yeon) who gives evidence to Joong-kyung (Han Ji-hyun), 26.5%


5회 청아예술제 대상 발표 직전, 이사장실을 찾은 주석경이 천서진에게 하은별(최예빈)의 핸드폰을 내밀며 대상을 요구하는 장면이 26.5%로 순간 최고 시청률 장면 3위를 기록했다. 앞서 주석경은 천서진이 아버지 천명수(정성모)의 죽음을 방치한 채 도망친 ‘돌계단 영상’을 보고는 천서진에게 청아예술제 출전과 대상을 요구하며 협박했던 상태. 주석경은 ‘돌계단 영상’의 출처가 하은별의 핸드폰임을 밝히며 천서진을 충격케 한 데 이어, 대상 트로피를 요구하면서 숨 막히는 긴장감을 자아냈다.


Just before the 5th Cheong-A Arts Festival's grand prize announcement, the scene where the president of the chairman visited the chairman's office reached out to Seo-jin Ha Eun-byul (Choi Ye-bin) and asked for the grand prize at 26.5%, ranking 3rd in the scene with the highest viewership rating at the moment. Earlier, when the president saw a “stone staircase video” where Cheon Seo-jin left his father Cheon Myung-soo (Jeong Seong-mo)'s death neglected, he threatened Seo-jin Cheon by asking for the Cheong-A Arts Festival and the grand prize. He shocked Cheon Seo-jin by revealing that the source of the “stone staircase video” was Eun-byul Ha's mobile phone, and then demanding the grand prize trophy created a feeling of breathtaking tension.


제작진은 “시청자분들의 뜨거운 성원 속에서 벌써 시즌2가 막바지로 향해가고 있다”며 “9회부터는 극의 흐름을 뒤흔들 소름 끼치는 반전과 놀라운 이야기가 연이어 터질 예정이니 많은 기대 부탁드린다”고 전했다.


The production crew said, “With the enthusiastic support of the viewers, Season 2 is already heading to the end.”


19일 오후 10시 방송.

#SBS금토드라마 #시청률순위 #한국드라마 #Korea Drama #펜트하우스2 #Penthouse 2 #드라마 #drama

#한국인기드라마  #Korean popular drama #Rating ranking #조회수 #views






